Side Effects of Oral Steroids

Oral steroids, or steroidal anti-inflammatories taken orally, are popular prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which have often been prescribed for a variety of orthopedic conditions, such as low back pain and neck pain. They can also be prescribed to treat other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and even facial pain or swelling. Oral steroids can be administered in tablet form or as a cream or gel. Some oral steroids are used to treat more complicated conditions such as psoriasis and acne, but these are used in very small doses. These treatments can have serious side effects, so it is important to understand the side effects and how to properly take these medications.

The most commonly used oral steroids are prednisone, hydrocortisone, and methylprednisolone. These are steroid compounds which are derived from the steroid corticosteroid. These are frequently used for short periods of time to relieve the symptoms associated with these painful disorders.

Common side effects associated with long-term use of oral steroids include mild to severe stomach irritation and inflammation. Some patients may experience vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and loss of appetite. In addition, some patients may notice increased thirst, and some people may notice changes in the color of their skin, hair, and mouth. For these reasons, these drugs are typically only prescribed on a short-term basis. Long-term use of these drugs can cause a variety of serious health complications, so one should only consider this option if other treatment options are not effective, such as conventional medication.

As previously mentioned, oral corticosteroids can also be used to treat severe asthma. Because asthma attacks are often triggered by inflammation symptoms, they are often used in conjunction with other treatment options, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. It should be noted that oral corticosteroids do not prevent asthma attacks from occurring. They can only provide temporary relief from the symptoms. Asthma sufferers should be carefully monitored when using these medications because they have been found to cause an increase in heart rate, and they can increase lung inflammation.

If you are taking oral steroids to treat your severe asthma, it is possible side effects may include an increase in body weight or body fat. This happens as the medications increase the amount of nitrogen in the muscles of your body. The increased body weight and body fat may lead to possible health risks, such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. In very rare cases, some individuals have died after taking too much of these medications.

When taking oral steroids Canada, it is important that you follow all of the instructions given by your physician. Your physician will be able to determine the correct amount that you should take, at what times, and how often. Some physicians even recommend that you take your medication with food. Follow all of your doctor’s advice and do not take more than the recommended dose.

If your physician finds that you are not responding favorably to the different dosages of oral steroids he has prescribed, he may decide to prescribe you larger doses of the medication in hopes that this will treat your condition more effectively. However, if your physician feels that you are still not responding favorably to the higher doses of the medication he has prescribed, he may opt to write you a prescription for a single inhaled dose of the medication. Although you have received a prescription for a larger amount of oral steroids, you are not supposed to “overdose” yourself. Taking too much of a drug may also cause serious side effects.

Because the side effects of oral steroids are so serious, they should always be administered by a physician. Your doctor will be able to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific case, as well as monitor any side effects that occur as a result of taking the oral steroids. He may also be able to monitor the effectiveness of the steroids after your treatment.

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